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Poista hakukriteerit

Results 411 to 420 out of 451.

  • Improving Care for the End of Life: A Sourcebook for Health Care Managers and Clinicians
    A comprehensive guide on to how to enable quality improvement for end of life care within health care systems. Written for health care managers and clinicians, it offers practical advice that can help you improve quality in your hospital, hospice, nursing home, or other health care facility. Toimintaympäristö: Ikääntyneiden asuminen
    MHP askeleet: Jatko | Tarpeiden analyysi
  • Framework Guidelines for Addressing Workplace Violence in the Health Sector
    The Guidelines are intended to support all those responsible for safety in the workplace, be it governments, employers, workers, trade unions, professional bodies or members of the public. The tool guides you through the complexity of issues to be considered when developing anti-violence policies and strategies for all work-settings in the health sector. Both physcial and mental violence is covered. Toimintaympäristö: Työpaikka
    MHP askeleet: Jatko | Käyttöönotto / toimeenpano | Valmistelu | Tarpeiden analyysi
    SOLVE is an interactive educational programme designed to assist in the development of policy and action to address psychosocial issues at the workplace The aim of SOLVE is to address the problems of stress, alcohol and drugs, violence (both physical and psychological), HIV/AIDS and tobacco at the enterprise or organisational level. Toimintaympäristö: Työpaikka
    MHP askeleet: Käyttöönotto / toimeenpano | Tarpeiden analyysi
  • Copenhagen Psychosocial Questionnaire (COPSOQ)
    The Copenhagen Psychosocial Questionnaire (COPSOQ) is a tool developed at AMI (NIOH) Denmark with the aim of assessing and improving the psychosocial work environment. The tool consists of three instruments: 1) A long questionnaire for research use 2) A medium size questionnaire to be used by work environment professionals 3) A short version to be used by the workplaces Toimintaympäristö: Työpaikka
    MHP askeleet: Tarpeiden analyysi
  • A Toolkit for Mental Health Promotion in the Workplace
    This toolkit has been developed to help organisations address some of the issues around mental health at work and provide a framework for action, including developing a mental health promotion policy for your workplace. It outlines the policy framework, makes the case for investment, provides the evidence base and gives some examples of possible ways forward and practical steps to be taken. Toimintaympäristö: Työpaikka
    MHP askeleet: Jatko | Käyttöönotto / toimeenpano | Tarpeiden analyysi
  • Mental Health and Work: Impacts, Issues and Good Practices
    This document examines the importance of mental health in the workplace in general, and suggests appropriate management for workers with mental health problems. In addition, it takes a practical look at strategies to promote and sustain good mental health while highlighting examples of good practices. Toimintaympäristö: Työpaikka
    MHP askeleet: Käyttöönotto / toimeenpano | Valmistelu
  • Work and Mental Health: An Employers' Guide
    This publication addresses both clinical problems and organisational issues around mental health in the workplace. It provides practical examples of what can be done in an occupational setting to benefit individuals and the companies they work for and to establish working systems that positively enhance mental health Toimintaympäristö: Työpaikka
    MHP askeleet: Valmistelu
  • Risk Assessment Questionnaire, Analysis Tool, Analysis Tool Tutorial, Analysis Manual
    A questionnaire to gain feedback from employees about the potential causes of stress at work. A tool to help analyse results from the Risk Assessment Questionnaire and subsequently identify common risks and priority issues in the workplace. An electronic tutorial to train the user how to use the analysis tool. Instructions on how to interpret the results once they have been generated using the analysis tool. Toimintaympäristö: Työpaikka
    MHP askeleet: Tarpeiden analyysi
  • UK Management Standards on Work-Related Stress, with Screening Tools, Analysis tool, Analysis Manual
    A website containing the UK government's management standards on work-related stress. The website also shows you how to work through the necessary steps, with tools and analysis materials. Toimintaympäristö: Työpaikka
    MHP askeleet: Jatko | Käyttöönotto / toimeenpano | Tarpeiden analyysi
  • Anger Quiz
    An online self-assessment questionnaire to help determine if you need to seek help (diagnosis and treatment) for anger problems. Toimintaympäristö: Työpaikka
    MHP askeleet: Käyttöönotto / toimeenpano

Results 411 to 420 out of 451.