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Tool Information

Settings: Workplace
MHP Steps: Implementation | Preparation
Country of Origin: Switzerland
Languages: English
URL: Click here for Tool Website

Evaluation: Unknown
Available Formats: Soft Copy
Free: Yes
Restrictions on Use: No
Tool Focus: Organisation
Tool Type: Guidelines Codes of Practice
Download(s): Mental Health and Work: Impacts, Issues and Good Practices - 1.01 MB

Tool Description

This document examines the importance of mental health in the workplace in general, and suggests appropriate management for workers with mental health problems. In addition, it takes a practical look at strategies to promote and sustain good mental health while highlighting examples of good practices.

Tool Characteristics

Application in the Field: Applied internationally
Stage of Development: Well established
Evaluation and Research: Referenced widely
Beneficiary Involvement in Design: Descriptor not applicable

Contact Details

Contact Name: Dr. Michelle Funk
Organisation Name: World Health Organisation
Address: MPS, Department of Mental Health and Substance Dependence (MSD), World Health Organization
Address Line 2: Geneva 27,
Postal Code: 1211
Country: Switzerland

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