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Tool Information

Settings: Workplace
MHP Steps: Follow Up | Implementation | Preparation | Needs Analysis
Languages: English | French | Russian | Spanish
URL: Click here for Tool Website

Evaluation: Unknown
Available Formats: Soft Copy
Free: Yes
Restrictions on Use: No
Tool Focus: Organisation
Tool Type: Guidelines Codes of Practice

Tool Description

The Guidelines are intended to support all those responsible for safety in the workplace, be it governments, employers, workers, trade unions, professional bodies or members of the public. The tool guides you through the complexity of issues to be considered when developing anti-violence policies and strategies for all work-settings in the health sector. Both physcial and mental violence is covered.

Tool Characteristics

Application in the Field: Applied internationally
Stage of Development: Well established
Evaluation and Research: Studies/Technical Data available
Beneficiary Involvement in Design: Descriptor not applicable

Contact Details

Contact Name: Ms Christiane Wiskow
Organisation Name: ILO/WHO
Address: 4, Route des Morillons
Address Line 2: Geneva 22
Postal Code: 1211
Country: Switzerland

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