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Results 191 to 200 out of 458.

  • Work Organisation.
    Author(s): Van den Broeck, K. and op de Beek, R
    Publisher: ELWHP project
    Publishing Year: 2009
    Publisher Location: Bucharest
    Published In: In ELWHP project (2009). Workplace Health promotion – Definitions, Methods and techniques.
    Pages: 263-314
    ISBN: ISBN 978-973-0-07323-2
  • The Ottawa Charter for Health Promotion
    Author(s): World Health Organisation (WHO)
    Publisher: World Health Organisation (WHO)
    Publisher Location: Geneva, Switzerland
    Download(s): The Ottawa Charter for Health Promotion.  - 17 KB
  • Preamble to the Constitution of the World Health Organization
    Author(s): World Health Organization (WHO)
    Publisher: World Health Organization (WHO)
    Publishing Year: 1946
    Publisher Location: Geneva, Switzerland
    Download(s): Preamble to the Constitution of the World Health Organization  - 60 KB
  • Something Is Not Quite Right
    Author(s): SANE Australia
    Publishing Year: 2010
    Download(s): something-is-not-quite-right - 314 KB
  • Mental Health and Growing Up
    Author(s): Royal College or Psychiatrics
    Publishing Year: 2010
  • Social Class and Social Support: The Same or Different?
    Author(s): Oakley, A. and Rajan, L.
    Publishing Year: 1991
    Published In: Sociology
    Number: 1
    Volume: 25
  • Social Ties and Mental Health
    Author(s): Kawachi, I. and Berkman, L. F.
    Publishing Year: 2001
    Published In: Journal of Urban Health
    Pages: 458-467
    Number: 3
    Volume: 78
  • Introduction: Promoting Mental Health as a Public Health Priority
    Author(s): Herrman, H., Saxena, S., Modie R., and Walker L.
    Publisher: World Health Organization (WHO)
    Publishing Year: 2005
    Publisher Location: Geneva, Switzerland
    Published In: Promoting Mental Health
    Pages: 2-17
  • People's Beliefs about Factors Contributing to Mental Health: Implications for Mental Health Promotion
    Author(s): Donovan, R. J., Watson, N., Jalleh, G., Sillburn, S. R.; Zubrick S. R. and Williams A.
    Publishing Year: 2007
    Published In: Health Promotion Journal of Australia
    Pages: 50-56
    Number: 1
    Volume: 18
  • Mental Health Promotion. Paradigms and Practice
    Author(s): Tudor, K.
    Publisher: Routledge
    Publishing Year: 1996
    Publisher Location: London & New York

Results 191 to 200 out of 458.