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Results 171 to 180 out of 458.

  • Housing and Employment and Mental Health
    Author(s): Anderson, R. & Wynne, R.
    Publisher: Open University Press/McGraw Hill
    Publishing Year: 2005
    Published In: Martin Knapp, David McDaid, Elias Mossialos and Graham Thornicroft (Eds.) Mental Health Policy and Practice Across Europe
  • Mental Health and Mental Illness in the Workplace: Diagnostic and Treatment Issues
    Author(s): Bender, A. & Kennedy, S.
    Publishing Year: 2004
    Published In: Healthcare Papers
    Pages: 54-67
    Number: 2
    Volume: 5
  • Understanding and Promoting Mental Health
    Author(s): Rogers, A., Pilgrim, D., & Latham, M.
    Publisher: Health Education Authority
    Publishing Year: 1996
    Publisher Location: London
  • WHO Urges More Investments, Services for Mental Health
    Author(s): World Health Organization (WHO)
    Publisher Location: Geneva, Switzerland
    URL: Last accessed 03/02/08
  • The World Health Report 2002: Reducing Risks, Promoting Healthy Styles
    Author(s): World Health Organization (WHO)
    Publisher: World Health Organization (WHO)
    Publishing Year: 2002
    Publisher Location: Geneva, Switzerland
  • Mental Health and Social Exclusion: Social Exclusion Unit Report
    Author(s): UK Social Exclusion Unit
    Publishing Year: 2004
  • Investing in Australia’s Future: The Personal, Social and Economic Benefits of Good Mental
    Author(s): Hickie, I., Groom, G. & Davenport, T.
    Publisher: Mental Health Council of Australia
    Publishing Year: 2004
    Publisher Location: Canberra, Australia
  • Year Book Australia 2003
    Author(s): Trewin D.
    Publisher: Australian Bureau of Statistics
    Publishing Year: 2003
    Publisher Location: Canberra, Australia
  • The Economic Burden of Mental Illness
    Author(s): Rice D.P.
    Published In: Hospital and Community Psychiatry
    Pages: 1227-1232
    Number: 12
    Volume: 43
  • Not Just Sticks and Stones: A Survey of Stigma, Taboos and Discrimination Experienced by People with Mental Health Problems
    Author(s): Read, J. & Baker, S.
    Publisher: MIND Publications
    Publishing Year: 1996
    Publisher Location: London

Results 171 to 180 out of 458.