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Results 151 to 160 out of 458.

  • Overcoming the Odds: High Risk Children from Birth to Adulthood
    Author(s): Werner, E. E, Smith, R. S.
    Publisher: Cornell University Press
    Publishing Year: 1992
    Publisher Location: New York
  • Protective Factors in Children`s Responses to Stress and Disadvantages
    Author(s): Rutter, M.
    Publishing Year: 1979
    Published In: Annals of the Academy of Medicine
    Pages: 324-338
    Volume: 8
  • Risk factors for Major Mental Disorders: A Review of the Epidemiologic Literature
    Author(s): Eaton, W., et al.
    Publisher: John Hopkins University, Harvard School of Public Health
    Publishing Year: 2010
    URL: http://
  • Mental Illness and Suicide
    Author(s): Australian Goverment`s Mindframe National Media Initiative in Australia
    Publishing Year: 2010
  • Key Dimensions of the Whole School Approach
    Author(s): The Whole School Matter
  • Mental Health—Mental Illness. It’s Your Health
    Author(s): Health Canada
    Publishing Year: 2006
  • The Logic Model for Program Planning and Evaluation
    Author(s): McCawley P.F.
    Publisher: University of Idaho
    Download(s): The Logic Model for Program Planning and Evaluation - 85 KB
  • Communicate and Connect – Factsheet
    Author(s): Mental Health Association
  • Healthy Development of Children and Youth. Chapter 7. Individual Capacity and Coping Skills
    Author(s): Public Health Agency Canada
  • Mental Health – Definitions and Introduction
    Author(s): Institute of Mental Health

Results 151 to 160 out of 458.