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Results 141 to 150 out of 458.

  • Work Stress and Unemployment: Risks, Mechanisms, and Prevention
    Author(s): Price, R., Kompier, M.
    Publisher: Oxford University Press
    Publishing Year: 2004
    Publisher Location: Oxford
    Published In: Hosman C., Jané-Llopis E., Saxena S., eds. Prevention of Mental Disorders: An Overview on Evidence-Based Strategies & Programs
  • Poverty, Inequality and Mental Health in Developing Countries
    Author(s): Patel, V.
    Publisher: Oxford University Press
    Publishing Year: 2001
    Publisher Location: Oxford
    Published In: Leon, D., Walt, G., eds. Poverty, Inequality and Health
    Pages: 247-262
  • Estronaut: a Forum for Women’s Health
    Author(s): Mental Health Concerns in the Elderly
    Published In:
  • Elderly Mental Health in the Developing World
    Author(s): Levkoff, S., MacArthur, I., Bucknall, J.
    Publishing Year: 1995
    Published In: Social Science Medicine
    Pages: 983-1003
    Number: 7
    Volume: 41
  • Primary Prevention as Health and Social Competence Promotion
    Author(s): Elias, M. J.
    Publishing Year: 1995
    Published In: Journal of Primary Prevention
    Pages: 5–24
    Volume: 16
  • Milestones in Health Promotion: Statements from Global Conferences
    Author(s): World Health Organization (WHO)
    Publisher: World Health Organization (WHO)
    Publishing Year: 2009
    Publisher Location: Geneva, Switzerland
  • The Effect of Social Networks and Social Support on Common Mental Disorders Following Specific Life Events
    Author(s): Maulik, P. K., Eaton, W. W., Bradshaw, C. P.
    Publishing Year: 2009
    Published In: Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica
  • Social support, Stress and the Buffering Hypothesis: A Theoretical Analysis
    Author(s): Cohen, S. and McKay, G.
    Publisher: Hillsdale
    Publishing Year: 1984
    Publisher Location: NJ: Erlbaum
    Published In: Baum, A., Singer, J. E., E. T. S., eds. Handbook of Psychology and Health
  • Social Network Stimulation. Health Promotion in a High Risk Group of Middle-Aged Women
    Author(s): Benum, K., Anstorp, T., Dalgard, O. S. and Sorensen, T.
    Publishing Year: 1987
    Published In: Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica Supplement
    Pages: 33-41
    Volume: 337
  • Stress and Depression: A Test of the Buffering Model of Social Support.
    Author(s): Aneshensel, C. S. and Stone, J. D.
    Publishing Year: 1982
    Published In: Archives of Genetic Psychiatry
    Pages: 1392-1396
    Volume: 39

Results 141 to 150 out of 458.