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Tool Information

Settings: Education
MHP Steps: Implementation | Preparation | Needs Analysis
Country of Origin: China
Languages: Chinese | English
URL: Click here for Tool Website
Publication Information: The “Little Prince is Depressed” website ( was launched in September 2004 by the University of Hong Kong.

Evaluation: Yes
Available Formats: Online
Free: Yes
Restrictions on Use: No
Tool Focus: Individual
Tool Type: Other
Download(s): Evaluation of “Little Prince is Depressed” Website:Impact on Viewers - 201 KB

Tool Description

Depressed Little Prince is an interactive web-site that aims to educate people on depression and its treatment, encourage early helpseeking and aims to reduce the stigma of depression. It provides instructions how to recognise oneś own depression and a depressed intimate/friend; how to react and where to refer. The web-site has very nice design and visitors are taken to a journey in order to create accurate understanding of depression.

Tool Characteristics

Application in the Field: Applied internationally
Tool mainly used in: China
Stage of Development: Well established
Evaluation and Research: Studies/Technical Data available
Beneficiary Involvement in Design: No information found

Evaluation Description

Effectiveness of the website in promoting knowledge about depression and in improving help seeking attitudes was measured. Pre- and post-tests revealed positive shift in general knowledge, attitudes and awareness. A Reviewer Satisfaction Survey was also conducted with the results indicating that the website had a positive effect on students and found it useful.

Contact Details

Organisation Name: The University of Hong Kong
Address: Pok Fu Lam Road, Hong Kong
Country: China
Telephone: (852) 2859 2111

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