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Tool Information

Settings: Workplace
MHP Steps: Implementation | Preparation | Needs Analysis
Country of Origin: Germany
Languages: English
URL: Click here for Tool Website
Publication Information: European Information Centre, BKK Bundesverband

Evaluation: No
Available Formats: Paper Based | Online
Free: Yes
Restrictions on Use: No
Tool Focus: Organisation
Tool Type: Guidelines Codes of Practice

Tool Description

This tool consists of two main elements – a specification of quality criteria for the establishment of workplace health promotion programmes and a self-assessment questionnaire for workplaces to assess the extent to which they measure up to these quality criteria. Developed by the European Network for Workplace Health Promotion, a network extending to 30 countries, it represents an official statement about how quality workplace health promotion in Europe should look. The quality criteria and questionnaire cover the following issues: • WHP and corporate policy; • Human resources and work organisation; • WHP planning; • Social responsibility; • WHP implementation; • WHP results. The 27 item questionnaire provides a scoring system which organisations can use for benchmarking purposes and as a basis for improving their own WHP practice. This tool is aimed at larger enterprises, i.e. those with more than 200 employees. Versions are also available for small enterprises and for Public Administrations.

Tool Characteristics

Application in the Field: Applied internationally
Stage of Development: Well established
Evaluation and Research: Inconsistent Evidence
Beneficiary Involvement in Design: No reference to active participation

Contact Details

Contact Name: Dr. Gregor Breucker
Organisation Name: European Information Centre, BKK Bundesverband
Address: Kronprinzenstraße 6
Address Line 2: Essen
Postal Code: D45128
Country: Germany

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