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Tool Information

Settings: Workplace
MHP Steps: Implementation | Needs Analysis
Country of Origin: Australia
Languages: English
URL: Click here for Tool Website

Evaluation: Unknown
Available Formats: Online
Free: Yes
Restrictions on Use: No
Tool Focus: Individual and Organisation
Tool Type: Educational/Training

Tool Description

ACT CISM is a not-for-profit Community Association in Australia that provides information, referrals and support in critical incident stress management and related fields. The Association has a special interest in pre-crisis preparation, including mental health promotion in stress, critical incident stress and trauma. This is a short online course providing an explanation of stress, its impact and how to manage your stress levels in the workplace The course includes detailed information about the physiological effects of stress. The course highlights the importance of how stress is perceived and responded to by an individual. The impact of environmental stressors is also discussed with reference to “good” stress and unhealthy stress. Finally, recommendations are offered indicating efficient ways to deal with stress and promote workplace health.

Tool Characteristics

Application in the Field: Limited application
Tool mainly used in: Australia
Stage of Development: No information found
Evaluation and Research: No information found
Beneficiary Involvement in Design: Descriptor not applicable

Contact Details

Organisation Name: Australian Capital Territory Critical Incident Stress Management
Address: PO Box 1799, Tuggeranong Mail Centre
Address Line 2: Tuggeranong, ACT
Postal Code: 2901
Country: Australia

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