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Results 291 to 300 out of 451.

  • Die Schatzsuche – Ein Modul für eine gute und gesunde Grundschule
    Dieses Modul betont die Stärkung von physischen, psychischen und psychosozialen Ressourcen um Lehrer und Schüler dazu zu befähigen mit Erwartungen, die mit der Rolle in der Schule verbunden sind, besser umzugehen und zu erfüllen. Die Stärkung und Entwicklung von Lebenskompetenz, Fach- und Sachkompetenz, Sozialkompetenz, Lern und- Methodenkompetenz, Selbstkompetenz (u.a.) stellen dabei die großen thematischen Bereiche der Handreichung dar. Neben einer Einführung in das Modul, sind ebenfalls Informationen zum Ablauf und Einbezug der Eltern sowie konkrete Arbeitsmaterialien im Anhang vorhanden. Das Modul ist im Rahmen des Projektes „ – für die gute gesunde Schule“ entwickelt worden. Valdkonnad: Haridusasutus
    VTE sammud: Rakendamine
  • Überblicksartikel der Stiftung Warentest zu Gesundheitserziehungsprogrammen an Schulen
    In diesem kurzen Überblicksartikel der Stiftung Warentest werden Basisinformationen zur generellen Suchtgefahr und den Möglichkeiten, dieser in Schule und Elternhaus entgegenzuwirken. Des Weiteren werden verschiedene Suchtpräventionsprogramme hinsichtlich der Zielgruppe, Durchführung, Erfahrung und Erfolgsbilanz vorgestellt. Abschließend werden weiterführende Internetlinks, Adressen und Publikationen angeführt. Valdkonnad: Haridusasutus
    VTE sammud: Ettevalmistus
  • "Schuldetektive" des Netzwerkes "Gesunde Schulen"
    Das Projekt der "Schuldetektive" bildet den Mittelpunkt der praktischen Arbeit vom "Netzwerk Gesunde Schulen" (getragen vom Verein für Regionale Gesundheitsförderung e.V.; Raum Freiburg): Die Detektivarbeit unterteilt sich in drei Phasen. Am Anfang steht eine akribische Bestandsaufnahme der Gesundheitssituation an der Schule (1), danach werden in „Detektivratssitzungen“ gesundheitsrelevante Brennpunkte („Hot Spots“) identifiziert (2), bevor sich schließlich sogenannte „Aktivgruppen“ um die Ausarbeitung und Umsetzung von Verbesserungsvorschlägen kümmern (3). Valdkonnad: Haridusasutus
    VTE sammud: Hindamine, täiendamine | Rakendamine | Vajaduste analüüs
  • TeenScreen Program
    The Columbia University TeenScreen Program is a national mental health and suicide risk screening program for young people. TeenScreen is committed to making the mental health and well-being of youth a national priority and to ensure that every parent is offered the opportunity to have their teenager receive a voluntary mental health check-up (required both parental consent and youth assent for participation) for early identification of mental health problems. The program uses a questionnaire and interview process to determine if a teenager may be at risk for depression, suicide or other health problems – it is not a diagnosis, and treatment decisions, if any, are always left to parents and guardians. Valdkonnad: Haridusasutus
    VTE sammud: Hindamine, täiendamine | Rakendamine | Ettevalmistus | Vajaduste analüüs
  • Social and Emotional Learning (SEL)
    SEL is a school-based program, focused on social and emotional learning. Program involves processes to develope fundamental emotional and social competencies to recognize and manage emotions, to develope care and concern for others, to establish positive relationships, to make responsible decisions, and to handle challenging situations constructively. These skills, for example, allow children to calm themselves when angry, initiate friendships and resolve relationship conflicts respectfully, and make ethical and safe choices. Valdkonnad: Haridusasutus
    VTE sammud: Hindamine, täiendamine | Rakendamine | Ettevalmistus | Vajaduste analüüs
  • Depressed Little Prince
    Depressed Little Prince is an interactive web-site that aims to educate people on depression and its treatment, encourage early helpseeking and aims to reduce the stigma of depression. It provides instructions how to recognise oneś own depression and a depressed intimate/friend; how to react and where to refer. The web-site has very nice design and visitors are taken to a journey in order to create accurate understanding of depression. Valdkonnad: Haridusasutus
    VTE sammud: Rakendamine | Ettevalmistus | Vajaduste analüüs
  • LivingWorks
    LivingWorks is dedicated to enhancing suicide intervention skills at the community level, and committed to making its suicide prevention training programs widely available, cost effective, interactive and easy to learn, with practical applications designed for all types of caregivers. The LivingWorks objective is to register qualified trainers in local communities, who in turn can prepare front-line gatekeepers with the confidence and competence to apply first aid suicide intervention in times of individual and family crises. Learning experiences are interactive, practical, regularly updated and customizable and suitable for everyone who wants to help. Valdkonnad: Haridusasutus
    VTE sammud: Rakendamine | Ettevalmistus | Vajaduste analüüs
  • Questionnaire of Occupational Burdens in Teaching (QOBT)
    The qustionnaire measures occupational burdens in three aspects: 1. Conflict Situations – CS - (9 items). This subscale includes all kinds of behavior presented by students and their families or colleagues that have the negative emotion factor. Particularly important are the situations where conflict or aggression occur, The sample items: My students treat me in a vulgar way, Quarrels between me and my superiors occur, Quarrels between me and families of my students occur. 2. Organizational Burdens - OB - (8 items). This subscale involves the burdens in a macro (system) scale (e.g. low salary over changing law) and the burdens at organizational level (poor management, lack of autonomy). The sample items: Curricula and educational plans are overloaded, My superiors do not support me, The quality of office premises is poor. 3. Lack of Work Sense – LWS - (3 items). In this subscale there are rarely operationalized burdens linked with lack of work sense feeling. The items included in this subscale are: It is hard to help my students although I want it, Despite my efforts my client do not learn what they are supposed to learn, I have to wait long for the positive changes in the behavior of my students Those three factors (subscales) sum up to 48,88% of global variance. The level of reliability is very satisfactory. Cronbach α i Guttman reliability or each subscale look as follow: Conflict Situations (0,85; 0,79), Organizational Burdens (0, 79; 0, 89), Lack of Work Sense (0,69). The new tool proved to be valid. There are reverse correlations with the self efficacy . and positive correlations with burnout that can be treated as the results of prolonging or high stress. There are also temporary norms for the Questionnaire for Occupational Burdens in Teaching (also separate for men and women) Preparation of the tool was co-financed by the University of Lodz grant No. 504/487 Valdkonnad: Töökoht
  • Beyond Blue Schools Intervention
    The beyondblue schools Intervention was developed collaboratively by the University of Queensland, the Victorian Centre for Adolescent Health, the South Australian Department of Education and Children's Services and beyondblue. It draws on national and international research and the groundbreaking work conducted with schools in Australia in the past decade. The intervention aims to buffer the effects of adverse life events by building protective factors within the individual, through the teaching of life skills, and within the environment by enhancing the capacity of schools to provide a supportive and safe environment. Valdkonnad: Haridusasutus
    VTE sammud: Hindamine, täiendamine | Rakendamine | Vajaduste analüüs
  • Eyes on Bullying: What Can You Do?
    Successful bullying prevention includes education, preparation, and teamwork. This toolkit provides specific insights, strategies, activities, and resources to address bullying. It is designed especially for caregivers and parents of preschool and school-age children and youth to use in child care programs, afterschool and youth programs, and camps. Valdkonnad: Haridusasutus

Results 291 to 300 out of 451.