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Tool Information
Title Kidscreen questionnaires (KIDSCREEN-52, KIDSCRREN-27, KIDSCREEN-10 Index)
Settings Education
MHP Steps Implementation
URL www.kidscreen.org
Country of Origin Germany
Languages Czech | Dutch | English | French | German | Greek | Polish | Portuguese | Spanish | Swedish
Tool Description The KIDSCREEN instruments assess children’s and adolescents’ subjective health and well-being. They were developed as self-report measures applicable for healthy and chronically ill children and adolescents aged from 8 to 18 years. As a result of their simultaneous development in 13 European countries, the KIDSCREEN instruments are truly cross-national HRQoL measures. KIDSCREEN-52 (duration: 15-20 min) allows detailed profile information for ten HRQoL dimensions. KIDSCREEN-27 (10-15 min), which items derived from the 52-item version, allows detailed profile information for five HRQoL dimensions. KIDSCREEN-10 Index (5 min), which items derived from 27-item version, generates a global HRQoL score for monitoring and screening uses. The KIDSCREEN instruments are available in child and adolescent as well as parent / proxy versions and have been translated and adapted for use in several languages. A score can be calculated and t-values and percentages will be available for each country stratified by age and gender. Unless it is used for commercial studies the usage is free of charge.
Application in the Field Applied internationally
Stage of Development Recently produced(2-3 years)
Evaluation and Research Studies/Technical Data available
Beneficiary Involvement in Design Active participation clearly described
Evaluation Yes
Evaluation Description Reliability: KIDSCREEN-52 - Cronbach's Alphas for the 10 dimensions rage between 0,76 and 0,89, KIDSCREEN-27 - Cronbach's Alphas range between 0,79 and 0,84, KIDSCREEN-10 Index - Cronbach's Alpha is 0,82. Validity: Convergent and discriminient validity were tested using information on the children's and adolescents' physical and mental health (e.g. correlations up to 0,55 when correlationg KIDSCREEN dimensions with the frequency of physical complaints). The high correlations can be considered as a good basis for potential responsiveness.
Available Formats Digital (CD, DVD) | Paper Based
Free Yes
Restrictions on Use Yes
Tool Focus Individual
Tool Type Screening Tool/Questionnaire
  1. Kidscreen - collaboration - 404 KB
  2. KIDSCREEN - Description of questionnaires - 82 KB
  3. Kidscreen -Project description - 41 KB
  4. Kidscreen- measurement of health related quality of life - 746 KB
Contact Details
Contact Name PD Dr. Ulirke Ravens-Sieberer MPH
Organisation Name Universtitätsklinikum Hamburg-Eppendorf/ Zentrum für Geburtshilfe, Kinder- und Jugendmedizin
Email Ravens-Sieberer@uke.uni-hamburg.de
Telephone +49 (0) 40 42803 - 7378 (-7585 secretary)
Address Klinik für Kinder- Und Jugendpsychosomatik/ Gebäude W 29 (Erikahaus) Martinstr. 52, Hamburg, 20246
Country Germany