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Tool Information
Title Beyond Blue Schools Intervention
Settings Education
MHP Steps Follow Up | Implementation | Needs Analysis
URL http://www.beyondblue.org.au/index.aspx?link_id=4.64
Country of Origin Australia
Languages English
Tool Description The beyondblue schools Intervention was developed collaboratively by the University of Queensland, the Victorian Centre for Adolescent Health, the South Australian Department of Education and Children's Services and beyondblue. It draws on national and international research and the groundbreaking work conducted with schools in Australia in the past decade. The intervention aims to buffer the effects of adverse life events by building protective factors within the individual, through the teaching of life skills, and within the environment by enhancing the capacity of schools to provide a supportive and safe environment.
Application in the Field General use in one country
Tool mainly used in Australia
Stage of Development Recently produced(2-3 years)
Evaluation and Research Referenced widely
Beneficiary Involvement in Design Some reference to active participation
Evaluation Description

The beyoundblue schools intervention was trialled in 50 secondary schools across Victoria, Queensland and South Australia with schools representing a broad cross section of government (metropolitan and non-metropolitan), catholic and independent schooling sectors (click here to view participating schools). To assess the effectiveness of the intervention, information is being collected annually from students and staff in all 50 participating schools over a five year period (2003 - 2007). This information is being used to assess the extent to which the intervention is successful in: (a) improving mental health and emotional well-being in young people, and (b) strengthening the individual and social protective factors targeted by the intervention - these are described below.

Available Formats Paper Based | Soft Copy
Free Yes
Restrictions on Use No
Tool Focus Individual and Organisation
Tool Type Programme
Contact Details
Organisation Name Beyound Blue
Telephone 1300 22 4636
Address PO Box 6100 Hawthorn West, Melbourne, Victoria, 3122
Country Australia