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Tool Information
Title Identifying and Responding to Students in Difficulty. A Guide for Staff
Settings Education
MHP Steps Preparation | Needs Analysis
URL http://www.nottingham.ac.uk/counselling/
Publication Information Myra Woolfson: Identifying and Responding to Students in Difficulty. A Guide for Staff. University Counselling Service, University of Nottingham.
Country of Origin United Kingdom
Languages English
Tool Description This guide is intended to help members of staff to (i) clarify their own role and the limits of their responsibility towards students in difficulty, (ii) work out when (and when not) to intervene, (iii) identify problems, (iv) decide what to do about them. It also aims to provide some strategies for dealing with more complex and difficult situations.
Application in the Field Limited application
Tool mainly used in United Kingdom
Stage of Development No information found
Evaluation and Research No information found
Beneficiary Involvement in Design Some reference to active participation
Evaluation Unknown
Available Formats Online
Free Yes
Restrictions on Use No
Tool Focus Organisation
Tool Type How to Manual/Design Tool
  1. A Guide for Staff - 704 KB
Contact Details
Contact Name Myra Woolfson
Organisation Name University Counselling Service
Email counselling.service@nottingham.ac.uk
Telephone +44 (0)115 951 3695
Address The University of Nottingham University Park, Nottingham NG7 2RD UK
Country United Kingdom