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Tool Information
Title Youth Suicide - Student Wellbeing Policy - Framework for Student Support Services in Victorian Government Schools
Settings Education
MHP Steps Preparation
URL http://www.education.vic.gov.au/healthwellbeing/health/mentalhealth.htm
Country of Origin Australia
Languages English
Tool Description This is a framework for student support services developed in the Victorian Governmental Schools. The framework is based on 4 pillars, primary prevention and promoting resilience, early intervention, intervention and restoring well-being.
Application in the Field General use in one country
Tool mainly used in Australia
Stage of Development No information found
Evaluation and Research No information found
Beneficiary Involvement in Design No information found
Evaluation Unknown
Available Formats Online
Free Unknown
Restrictions on Use Unknown
Tool Focus Organisation
Tool Type Programme
Contact Details
Organisation Name Victorian Governmental Schools
Email disability.services@edumail.vic.gov.au
Telephone (03) 9637 2000
Address Student Wellbeing/Program for students with disabilities GPO Box 4367, Melbourne 3001 VIC
Country Australia