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Tool Information
Title Feeling Good. Promoting Children's Mental Health
Settings Education
MHP Steps Implementation
URL http://www.scmh.org.uk/
Country of Origin United Kingdom
Languages English
Tool Description This tool consists of several activity sheets parents can use together with their children in order to find out how they feel about themselves, school, friends, siblings etc.
Application in the Field Limited application
Tool mainly used in United Kingdom
Stage of Development Descriptor not applicable
Evaluation and Research Inconsistent Evidence
Beneficiary Involvement in Design Some reference to active participation
Evaluation No
Available Formats Online
Free Yes
Restrictions on Use No
Tool Focus Individual
Tool Type Screening Tool/Questionnaire
  1. Feeling Good - 2.15 MB
Contact Details
Organisation Name Sainsbury Center for Mental Health, funded by: Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation, Shift Campaign
Email enquiries@mentality.org.uk
Address 134-138 Borough High Street , London, SE1 1LB