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Tool Information
Title Seasons for Growth
Settings Education
MHP Steps Implementation
URL www.seasonsforgrowth.co.uk
Country of Origin United Kingdom
Languages English
Tool Description A grief and loss Education Programme catering for young people aged 6-18 years. The core element of this programme is the promotion of social ad emotional wellbeing for young people who have experienced significant loss due to death or family breakdown. The programme aims to promote resilience, to enahnce coping and to develop lifeskills in young people. Seasons for growth is not a counselling programme but a grief and losss educational programme.
Application in the Field Applied internationally
Tool mainly used in United Kingdom
Stage of Development Well established
Evaluation and Research Referenced widely
Beneficiary Involvement in Design No information found
Evaluation Yes
Evaluation Description

Seasons for growth has a strong, positive effect on young people, belief that programme is beneficial to participants. The participanst say that the programme has removed their sense of isolation, allowing them to express their feelings and develop trust in others. Contributes broadly against youth suicide in that it provides an early system of safety, opportunities for identification and referral na dlessening of vulnerability.

Available Formats Paper Based
Free No
Restrictions on Use No
Tool Focus Individual
Tool Type Programme
Contact Details
Contact Name Helena Duckett
Organisation Name Seasons for Growth
Email info@seasonsforgrowth.co.uk
Telephone 0044 207 8233311
Address Allen Hall 28 Beaufort Street,, London, SW3 5AA
Country United Kingdom