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Tool Information
Title The "Friends" Programme
Settings Education
MHP Steps Implementation
URL http://www.friendsinfo.net/
Publication Information FRIENDS is the only childhood anxiety prevention program acknowledged by the WHO for its 12 years of comprehensive evaluation and practice. It has proved effective for up to 6 years after initial exposure. FRIENDS started in mid-1980s and it is now in commitment to evidence-based research suppot for all aspects of the program (a booklet of research abstracts can be found attached).
Country of Origin Australia
Languages Dutch | English | German
Tool Description The Friends Programme is a leading school-based anxiety prevention program that helps children aged 7-11 and teenagers aged 12-16 cope with feelings of fear, worry, and depression by building resilience and self-esteem and teaching cognitive and emotional skills in a simple, well-structured format. Cognititive-behavioural intervention includes ten child sessions and three parent sessions.
Application in the Field Applied internationally
Tool mainly used in Australia
Stage of Development Well established
Evaluation and Research Studies/Technical Data available
Beneficiary Involvement in Design No information found
Evaluation Yes
Evaluation Description Rigorous randomised control studies say that up to 80% of children showing signs of an anxiety disorder no longer display that disorder after completing the program (effect has been confirmed at up to 6 years posttreatment). FRIENDS programme appears to be an efficacious and acceptable way to promote emotional resilience (reduced anxiety and increased self-esteem) in primary school aged children.
Available Formats Paper Based | Soft Copy | Online
Free No
Restrictions on Use No
Tool Focus Individual
Tool Type Educational/Training
  1. Abstracts of studies - 196 KB
  2. Introduction to FRIENDS - 296 KB
Contact Details
Contact Name Professor Paula Barrett
Organisation Name School of Education,The University of Queensland
Email info@australianacademicpress.com.au
Telephone +61 7 3365 1111
Address Brisbane QLD , 4072
Country Australia