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Tool Information
Title Children's Depression Inventory (CDI)
Settings Education
MHP Steps Follow Up | Implementation | Preparation | Needs Analysis
URL http://www.minddisorders.com/Br-Del/Child-Depression-Inventory.html
Publication Information The CDI was first published by Maria Kovacs in 1992. It was developed because depression in young children is often difficult to diagnose, and also because depression was regarded as an adult disorder until the 1970s. Read more: http://www.minddisorders.com/Br-Del/Child-Depression-Inventory.html#ixzz0PBrvqGMI
Country of Origin United States
Languages Asturian | Catalan | Dutch | English | French | German | Hungarian | Italian | Japanese | Lithuanian | Norwegian | Polish | Russian | Swedish | Turkish
Tool Description CDI, created by Maria Kovacs, evaluates the presence and severity of specific depressive symptoms in children so that you can develop a targeted treatment plan. It is commonly administered in schools, guidance clinics, and medical pediatric settings by psychologists, social workers, counselors, and mental health professionals. Key areas measured: negative mood, interpersonal problems, ineffectiveness, anhedonia, negative self-esteem. CDI is applicable for ages 7-17 and it uses self-report, parent-completed report and teacher-completed. Administration time on average is 10–30 minutes.
Application in the Field Applied internationally
Tool mainly used in United States
Stage of Development Well established
Evaluation and Research Studies/Technical Data available
Beneficiary Involvement in Design No information found
Evaluation Yes
Evaluation Description Saylor, Conway Fleming and others (1984, "The Children's Depression Inventory: A Systematic Evaluation of Psychometric Properties" in Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, v52 n6 p955-67 ) studied the psychometric properties of the Children's Depression Inventory (CDI). Subjects included 294 school children and 269 children who were psychiatric inpatients. Results showed the CDI can distinguish children with emotional distress from normal school children.
Available Formats Paper Based | Soft Copy
Free No
Restrictions on Use Yes
Tool Focus Individual
Tool Type Evaluation Tool
  1. CDI info - 196 KB
Contact Details
Contact Name Maria Kovacs
Organisation Name Multi Health Systems Inc.
Email customerservice@mhs.com
Telephone 1 800 456 3003
Address P.O. Box 950 North Tonawanda, NY , 14120-0950
Country United States