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Tool Information
Title Work Positive Questionnaire
Settings Workplace
MHP Steps Implementation
URL http://www.hsa.ie/eng/Topics/Workplace_Stress/
Publication Information Health and safety authority, Dublin, Ireland
Country of Origin Ireland
Languages English
Tool Description Work Positive is a comprehensive risk management process that incorporates a risk assessment covering the major causal factors associated with workplace stress. It was originally developed by Health Scotland and the Health and Safety Authority (HSA, Ireland) to help organisations identify the potential causes of stress at work in line with requirements under the requirement to prevent accidents and illness at work under Irish health and safety legislation. Work Positive was launched in 2002 and a revised edition again in May 2005 and is the only state sponsored stress audit tool of its kind available across Great Britain and the Republic of Ireland. It reflects the HSA‘s prevention approach and emphasis on the risk assessment process and HSENI‘s development of Management Standards, against which organisations can measure their performance in managing the main causal factors for workplace stress and put in place procedures and system changes as required, to improve organisational culture to promote well-being. The package consists of an audit tool for stress at work (questionnaire) and a set of instructions on how to develop a comprehensive approach to workplace stress.
Application in the Field Applied internationally
Tool mainly used in United Kingdom
Stage of Development Well established
Evaluation and Research Studies/Technical Data available
Beneficiary Involvement in Design No information found
Evaluation Yes
Evaluation Description

While not formally evaluated, the Work Positive approach outlines a number of case studies which have been undertaken using the tool.

Available Formats Paper Based | Online
Free No
Restrictions on Use No
Tool Focus Individual and Organisation
Tool Type Screening Tool/Questionnaire
Contact Details
Organisation Name Health and Safety Authority
Email wcu@hsa.ie
Address The James Joyce Building Metropolitan Strees, Dublin 1
Country Ireland