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Tool Information
Title Aging and Human Sexuality Resource Guide
Settings Residence for Older People
MHP Steps Preparation
URL http://www.apa.org/pi/aging/sexuality.html
Country of Origin United States
Languages English
Tool Description This website helps health professionals in training to find information to learn more about aging and sexuality, once they have realized how important this topic is to solve that problem. It contains a wealth of citations for empirical evidence on aging and sexuality, summary chapters, case presentations, and resources to use for education in teaching settings or with clients. It is our hope that it will serve to further openness and sensitivity in health care professionals, as they try to attend to a vitally important topic that does not lose its power with age.
Application in the Field General use in one country
Tool mainly used in United States
Stage of Development Well established
Evaluation and Research Descriptor not applicable
Beneficiary Involvement in Design Descriptor not applicable
Evaluation No
Available Formats Soft Copy | Online
Free Yes
Restrictions on Use No
Tool Focus Individual and Organisation
Tool Type Information Campaign/Awareness Raising
Contact Details
Organisation Name American Psychological Association (Office on Aging)
Address 750 First Street, NE Washington,, DC 20002-4242
Country United States