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Tool Information
Title Work Organisation & Stress: Systematic Problem Approaches for Employers, Managers and Trade Union Representatives
Settings Workplace
MHP Steps Preparation
URL http://www.who.int/occupational_health/publications/
Publication Information World Health Organisation
Country of Origin United Kingdom
Languages English | French | Japanese | Spanish
Tool Description This booklet provides practical advice on how to deal with work stress. It is intended that employers, managers and trade union representatives use this booklet as part of an initiative to educate on the management of work stress. Discussed are the nature of stress at work, the causes and effects of stress, as well as prevention strategies and risk assessment and management methods. Also discussed are the role of the organizational culture in this process and the resources to be drawn upon for managing work stress.
Application in the Field Applied internationally
Stage of Development Well established
Evaluation and Research No information found
Beneficiary Involvement in Design No information found
Evaluation Unknown
Available Formats Soft Copy
Free Yes
Restrictions on Use No
Tool Focus Individual and Organisation
  1. Work Organisation & Stress: Systematic Problem Approaches for Employers, Managers and Trade Union Representatives - 578 KB
Contact Details
Contact Name Marketing and Dissemination,
Organisation Name World Health Organization
Email bookorders@who.int
Address 20 Avenue Appia 1211 Geneva
Country Switzerland