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Tool Information
Title Mental Health at Work: Developing the Business Case
Settings Workplace
MHP Steps Preparation
URL http://www.scmh.org.uk
Publication Information Sainsbury Centre for Mental Health
Country of Origin United Kingdom
Languages English
Tool Description This paper discusses the importance to employers of mental health problems in the workforce. Drawing on UK and international evidence, it seeks to identify all the key effects of mental ill health and stress at work and, wherever possible, to quantify these in financial terms. It aims to demonstrate why mental health is important to all employers – as a business matter. The evidence indicates that better management of mental health at work makes good business sense, because of the substantial costs that are potentially avoidable through effective action.
Application in the Field Descriptor not applicable
Tool mainly used in United Kingdom
Stage of Development Recently produced(2-3 years)
Evaluation and Research Descriptor not applicable
Beneficiary Involvement in Design Descriptor not applicable
Evaluation Unknown
Available Formats Paper Based | Soft Copy | Online
Free Yes
Restrictions on Use No
Tool Focus Organisation
Tool Type Information Campaign/Awareness Raising
  1. mental health at work - 290 KB
Contact Details
Organisation Name Sainsbury Centre for Mental Health
Email contact@scmh.org.uk
Telephone + 44 20 7827 8352
Address 134-138 Borough High Street London, SE1 1LB
Country United Kingdom