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Tool Information
Title A Toolkit for Mental Health Promotion in the Workplace
Settings Workplace
MHP Steps Follow Up | Implementation | Needs Analysis
URL http://www.scmh.org.uk/publications/toolkit_mh_promotion.aspx?ID=427
Country of Origin United Kingdom
Languages English
Tool Description This toolkit has been developed to help organisations address some of the issues around mental health at work and provide a framework for action, including developing a mental health promotion policy for your workplace. It outlines the policy framework, makes the case for investment, provides the evidence base and gives some examples of possible ways forward and practical steps to be taken.
Application in the Field General use in one country
Tool mainly used in United Kingdom
Stage of Development Well established
Evaluation and Research No information found
Evaluation Unknown
Available Formats Paper Based
Free No
Restrictions on Use No
Tool Focus Organisation
Tool Type How to Manual/Design Tool
Contact Details
Contact Name Sarah Hughes
Organisation Name Sainsbury Centre for Mental Health (Mentality no longer in operation)
Email contact@scmh.org.uk
Address The Sainsbury Centre for Mental Health 134-138 Borough High Street, London, SE1 1LB
Country United Kingdom