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Tool Information
Title A Guide to Developing and Implementing the Workplace Health System in Medium and Large Businesses
Settings Workplace
MHP Steps Needs Analysis
URL http://www.hc-sc.gc.ca/ewh-semt/pubs/occup-travail/model-guide-modele/index_e.html
Country of Origin Canada
Languages English
Tool Description This online guide provides an outline of the steps required to develop and implement a Workplace Health System using the 'Corporate Health Model'. The term "Workplace Health System" refers to the process of developing and implementing a comprehensive health program to help employees maintain or improve their health.
Application in the Field Applied internationally
Stage of Development Well established
Evaluation and Research Referenced widely
Beneficiary Involvement in Design Descriptor not applicable
Evaluation Unknown
Available Formats Online
Free Yes
Restrictions on Use No
Tool Focus Organisation
Tool Type How to Manual/Design Tool
Contact Details
Organisation Name Health Canada (Federal Health Department of Canada)
Email corporate_whpsp@hc-sc.gc.ca
Address Public Inquiry - Workplace Health and Public Safety Programme, Health Canada, Vanguard Building 171 Slater Street, 9th Floor, A.L. 3709D, Ottawa, Ontario, K1A 0K9
Country Canada