Promoting Mental Health and Preventing Suicide in College and University Settings 26/05/2008
An awareness raising campaign/paper/report for prevention of suicide in college and university settings in the US. It includes facts and figures on suicide in different social groups including migrants, students in transition, homosexual groups and international students. Risk factors for these at-risk groups are discussed as well as policies and strategies universities can apply to prevent suicide.
Settings: Education
MHP Steps: Implementation |
Human Rights: A Guide for Older People 26/05/2008
This guide provides practical information about human rights, and their relevance to
older people. It is written directly for older people. The guide will also be useful for people working with older people or those wanting to learn more about the impact
of human rights on older people.
Settings: Residence for Older People
MHP Steps: Implementation
Valuing Older People - The Mayor of London’s Older People Strategy 26/05/2008
This is a strategy for London’s older people but also for all of London. It will promote stronger, more sustainable communities and recognise the role that older people have to play in promoting the health and well-being of London. This strategy sets out actions that aim to make a difference to the lives of all older people living in London. In particular I want to challenge negative perceptions and promote the contribution of older people, take action on pensions and income, promote good quality health and social care and support those valuable community services which can make so
much difference to older people’s lives.
Settings: Residence for Older People
MHP Steps: Implementation |
Preparation |
Needs Analysis
The Ramblers Association - Walking Charity 26/05/2008
The Ramblers' Association is Britain's biggest charity working to promote walking and to improve conditions for all walkers. With 139,000 members in England, Scotland and Wales, we've been working for walkers for 70 years.
Settings: Residence for Older People
MHP Steps: Implementation
Social Care Online - Not "Them and Us": Simply Us!: Trainer's Pack 26/05/2008
This Training Pack is in response to many requests for training material on activities for people with dementia. The training pack helps staff to look at the why, how and what of activities. The pack has many applications but it is primarily aimed at managers and co-ordinators who train staff in their place of work. The pack helps staff to develop and improve their practice with regard to activities.
Settings: Residence for Older People
MHP Steps: Implementation
Am I Still Needed? Guidance and Learning for Older Adults 26/05/2008
This is a summary of report published by University of Derby, Institute of Guidance Studies, 2005.The report argues that current policy relating to older adults is essentially piecemeal and reactive in nature, and sees older adults mainly as passive consumers of state services. The need is for carefully considered policy decisions that are part of an overarching and ‘joined-up’ national strategy aimed at proactively involving many more adults aged 50+ as active contributors to the national economy and to their local communities. High-quality lifelong learning and guidance provision are essential
Settings: Residence for Older People
MHP Steps: Preparation
It's Your Age - A Motivating and Informative Video (40 min.) 26/05/2008
Presented by R.T.E.’s Ceane Campbell – covers many of the challenges associated with growing older, and puts forward information, suggestions and solutions in as many areas as possible. A motivating and informative video.
Settings: Residence for Older People
MHP Steps: Implementation
Social Care Online - New Lifestyles for Elderly People: A Quality of Care Training Exercise 26/05/2008
Teaching pack designed to be used in a training exercise which raised many issues about the way we as individuals, and our caring services in general, relate to and affect the lives of people who have disabilities or problems associated with old age. Designed to be used in a wide range of settings and training contexts such as residential care, day care, hospitals, and home help services.
Settings: Residence for Older People
MHP Steps: Implementation
Mental Health and Well Being in Later Life 26/05/2008
In April and May 2004, three regional seminars focusing on mental health and well-being in later life were held across Scotland. The seminars, which built on previous work undertaken by Health Scotland with partnership organisations took place in the West (Paisley), East (Edinburgh) and North of Scotland (Nairn). Themes included: transitions, spirituality, developing and maintaining relationships, keeping healthy, keeping active and maintaining capacity and independence.
Settings: Residence for Older People
MHP Steps: Needs Analysis