08/10/2008 - Submitted by: Tilia Bousios

The Highland Users Group (HUG) has produced a short guide to the subject of maintaining good physical health while living with a mental health problem. Entitled "Mental and Physical Health: the Views of HUG on the Relationship Between Physical and Mental Health and What Can Keep Us Healthy", the guide stems from a concern among HUG members that doctors are more likely to be dismissive of a person’s physical problems if that person has a mental health
problem. The guide looks at why HUG members think that people with a mental health problem are more likely to be physically unhealthy and at reasons why many people with a mental health problem seem to avoid using gyms and leisure centres. The guide sets out some of the techniques employed by HUG members to gain the motivation required to become physically healthier.

For more information: visit http://www.hug.uk.net

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