14/11/2008 - Submitted by: Tilia Bousios

The CAMHEE project presentation event, which will take place on 9th of December 2008 (12.00 - 15.00) in European Parliament.

This Project under the name Child and Adolescent Mental Health in an Enlarged EU - Development of Effective Policies and Practices (CAMHEE) is funded by EU Public Health program. Project has started from January 2007.

The project aims to provide a set of recommendations and guidelines for the effective Child and Adolescent Mental Health (CAMH) policies and practices in European Union, with the special emphasis on new EU countries and in the light of Declaration and Action Plan endorsed by WHO European Ministerial Conference on Mental Health.

There are 35 partners from Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Estonia, Finland, Germany,  Greece, Hungary,  Latvia, Lithuania, Norway, Poland, Romania, Slovenia, Spain, United Kingdom.

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