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01/06/2007 - Submitted by: Argyro Kazaki

This project builds on the work of the previous EC funded IMPHA project which aimed to improve information on mental health (MH) and develop mental health promotion (MHP) and mental disorder prevention (MDP). The 2 year project, with partners in 28 countries aims to: 1) create a European Platform for MHP and MDP; 2) develop indicators and strategies for MH; and 3) disseminate and implement information and action across Europe. The Platform will provide a comprehensive strategy for MHP-MDP. Work packages (WP) will deliver:

  • An information system on infrastructures for MHP-MDP. Database with indicators will provide information to develop country profile reports to support the development of strategies and policy proposals
  • An information system describing best practices for suicide, depression and eating disorders prevention, outcomes and implementation strategies, complements the IMPHA database with 3 new topics
  • An information system on training and the development of advocacy skills to build capacity
  • Country reports describing the situation of MHP and MDP using the data collected in WP 1 and the IMPHA Policy for Europe structure
  • Development of indicators for MH - health impact assessment (HIA) and assessment of the impact of a social policy in one member state, in the context of WP 1 & 4, and building on the methodology developed by the European Policy Health Impact Assessment (EPHIA).
  • Development of an economic model for MHP-MDP to complement WP 2,4 & 5. In synergy with the Project Mental Health Economics supported under the Public Health Programme.
  • Dissemination and implementation of WP 1-6 by: 1) Creation of European Platform for MHP and MDP; 2) Creation of country based coalitions and synergies with European networks for implementation at country and European levels; 3) A European Conference on MHP-MDP dissemination, strategy and implementation.

Under the Health Information strand it supports Health Determinants with WP2. It complements EC funded MH projects and expands information and action for MHP-MDP in Europe. In coordination with the Working Party of Mental Health (WPMH), will work with the WPMH secretariat and the Injury prevention Working Party.

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Project Details

Start Year:
End Year:
Funding Authority:
DG Health and Consumer Protection
Participating Countries:

Coordinator Details

Departament de Salut de la Generalitat de Catalunya
Travessera de les Corts 31-159 (Pavello Ave Maria)
Postal Code:
ES - 08028
Contact Person:
Eva Jane-Llopis

Target Group(s)

Health promoters | Mental health policy makers