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All - 2010 - 2009 - 2007

  • European Commission Health Strategy - 'Together for Health: A Strategic Approach for the EU 2008-2013'
    On 23 October 2007 the European Commission adopted a new Health Strategy, 'Together for Health: A Strategic Approach for the EU 2008-2013'. Building on current work, this Strategy aims to provide, for the first time, an overarching strategic framework spanning core issues in health as well as health in all policies and global health issues. The Strategy aims to set clear objectives to guide future work on health at the European level, and to put in place an implementation mechanism to achieve those objectives, working in partnership with Member States.
  • Communication from the Commission to the Council and the European Parliament’: Europe’s Response to World Ageing, Promoting Economic and Social Progress in an Ageing World
    European Commission (2002), ‘Communication from the Commission to the Council and the European Parliament’: Europe’s response to World Ageing, Promoting economic and social progress in an Ageing World, a contribution of the European Commission to the 2nd World Assembly on Ageing.
  • The State of Mental Health in the European Union 2004
    Report describing and comparing the state of mental health in the European Union and Norway, in the context of longstanding efforts of EU public health programmes to promote good mental health and to prevent mental ill health. The report is based on previous expert recommendations on mental health indicators, which propose that mental health should be described in three dimensions: positive mental, negative mental health, and diagnosis of psychiatric disorders.
  • Policy Brief: Health Care Outside Hospital. Accessing Generalist and Specialist Care in Eight Countries
    The delivery of health care is changing. While the acute hospital will always play a key role in the provision of health care, reflecting its important role in training and research, as well as its capacity to manage complex and severe disorders, in many countries there is an increasing interest in the scope to transfer some types of care out of hospitals.
  • Public Health In Austria
    In the general hustle and bustle and stress to which we are subjected every day, we all too often lose sight of what is most important - our health. In industrialized societies, the dominant attitude toward health was long primarily reactive. As long as someone was healthy, he or she didn’t worry, but - when illness arrived - powerful medications were called upon to restore health as quickly as possible. Recent times, on the other hand, have seen the rise of a “preventive” approach - and that is a definite step in the right direction.
    The newly revised informational booklet “Public Health in Austria” is a further step in this direction - it is meant to inform readers and encourage them to do something for their own health.
  • Mental Health Declaration for Europe: Facing the Challenges, Building Solutions
    This Action Plan is endorsed in the Mental Health Declaration for Europe by ministers of health
    of the Member States in the WHO European Region. They support its implementation in
    accordance with each country’s needs and resources.
  • The World Health Report 2001 - Mental Health: New Understanding, New Hope
    The 2001 report focuses on the fact that mental health – neglected for far too long – is crucial to the overall well-being of individuals, societies and countries. The report advocates policies that are urgently needed to ensure that stigma and discrimination are broken down and that effective prevention and treatment are put in place.
  • Green Paper: Improving the Mental Health of the Population. Towards a Strategy on Mental Health for the European Union
    The mental health of the European population is a resource for the attainment of some of the EU’s strategic policy objectives, such as to put Europe back on the path to long-term prosperity, to sustain Europe’s commitment to solidarity and social justice, and to bring tangible practical benefits to the quality of life for European citizens.
  • Ottawa Charter for Health Promotion
    The first International Conference on Health Promotion, meeting in Ottawa this 21st day of
    November 1986, hereby presents this CHARTER for action to achieve Health for All by the
    year 2000 and beyond.