MINDHEALTH – Newsletter Announcement
Dear ENMHP Newsletter Recipients,
The MindHealth project (funded under the Leonardo Lifelong Learning Programme) has developed an initial version of an e-learning course which aims to support practitioners in understanding, planning and implementing mental health promotion initiatives in their organisation.
The MindHealth course addresses the three settings schools, workplaces and older people’s residences with an emphasis on organisational activities.
A comprehensive common module provides an introduction to the general topic of mental health promotion, highlights its underlying principles, outlines scopes of action and key areas as well as and introduces cornerstones of implementing MHP initiatives. In addition, the setting-specific modules provide tailored information to practitioners in each of the settings.
The MindHealth Project Team would like to invite you to have a look at the course and provide feedback from your professional point of view – whether you may have experience in the field of mental health promotion, training and other relating areas.
In order to access the course please register to become a member of the ENMHP website and inform Ms. Rena Hohenstein (hohenstein.rena@baua.bund.de) to be granted access.
Please click here to access the questionnaire.
The questionnaire implemented online is for obtaining feedback from users who are not yet acquainted with the topic of mental health promotion. Therefore we would like to ask you to only use the link mentioned above.
We value your feedback and look forward to hear about your comments.
For instructions on how to activate the MindHealth Course please view the associated pdf.