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The 6th World Conference on the Pomotion of Mental Health and Prevention of Mental and Behavioural Disorders
25/10/2010 - Submitted by: Tilia Bousios
Mental health is a critical issue for governments, communities, and individuals around the world. This conference will address the pervasive and enduring inequalities that affect the mental health of millions of people, in both rich and poor countries.
Each morning and afternoon will begin with a plenary lecture that examines the role of a particular strategy in reducing inequalities and restoring balance in mental health promotion and mental illness prevention. Following the plenary, the concurrent presentations will consider how that strategy addresses a particular theme.
The conference focuses on five public health strategies to address imbalances and promote equity in mental health within five thematic areas.
Strategies for Addressing Imbalance:
- Reporting on research on promotion and prevention
- Influencing advocacy and policy
- Developing stakeholder partnerships
- Implementing effective programs
- Developing an effective workforce for promotion and prevention
Thematic Areas of the Conference:
- Promoting mental health and community well-being
- Exploring social and economic connections to mental health
- Protecting human rights, preventing discrimination, and promoting diversity
- Preventing disorders
- Healing from adverse experiences and trauma
As the Scientific Committee and conference organizers finalize the program, the schedule will provide more detail regarding presentations, speakers, and rooms.