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Evidence-Based Guidelines on Health Promotion for Older People

The International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF)


ICF - Core Set

d - Activities and Participation
Code Element
Selected d175, d177 Solving Problems and Making Decisions
Selected d230 Carrying out Daily Routine
Selected d240 Handling Stress and Other Psychological Demands
Selected d310, d315, d325, d330, d335, Effective Communicating
Selected d710, d720, Basic and Complex Interpersonal Interactions
Selected d730, d740, d750, d770 Relationships - Strangers, Formal, Informal Social, Intimate
Selected d760 Family Relationships
Selected d825 Vocational Training
Selected d855 d910 Community Life and Engagement
e - Environmental Factors
Code Element
Selected e460 Societal Attitudes
Selected e465 Social Norms, Practices and Ideologies
Selected e525, e530, e570, e575 Services, Systems and Policies - Housing, Utilities, General Social Support
Selected e560 Media Services, Systems and Policies
Selected e580 Health Services, Systems and Policies
Selected e585 Education and Training Services, Systems and Policies
ICD10 - ICD10
Code Element
Selected FGP General Population