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Promoting Children's Mental Health within Early Years and School Settings

Mental Health Promotion and Protection Categories (MHP)


Or1 - Policies

Or12 - Health Promotion Policy
Code Element
Selected Or12.1 Mental

Or2 - Enablers

Or21 - Ethos/ Culture [General Reference]
Code Element
Selected Or21.3 Empowerment
Selected Or21.6 Social Atmosphere
Selected Or21.7 Bullying and Harassment/Abuse
Or22 - Student Support [General Reference]
Code Element
Or24 - Staff
Code Element
Selected Or24.4 Attitudes
Selected Or24.6 Commitment and Resources

En2 - Social Networks

En23 - Community
Code Element
Selected En23.2 Extended Schools Concept

En3 - External Environment [General Reference]

En31 - External Resources [General Reference]
Code Element
Selected En31.2 Mental Health Services
Selected En31.3 Counselling

Pr2 - Targeted Programmes

Pr23 - Situational Groups
Code Element
Selected Pr23.8 People with Special Requirements or Disabilities