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Results 311 to 320 out of 451.

  • Healthy Workplace Strategies: Creating Change and Achieving Results
    This report focuses on the organizational change processes, strategies and tactics that can bring about a healthier and more productive working environment. It emphasises that successful interventions must target underlying work practice and organizational factors. The report offers the 'action model' to help you achieve healthier organizations. Settings: Workplace
    MHP Steps: Needs Analysis
  • Comprehensive Workplace Health Promotion: Recommended and Promising Practices for Situational Assessment Tools
    This resource is designed to help workplace health promotion intermediaries (in Ontario) to: * Select and implement a situational assessment tool in their workplace, and * Replicate and/or adapt the best practice process and methodology used to generate the tools. It contains detailed information about 29 recommended and promising tools in six categories: needs assessments, health risk appraisals, workplace environmental audits, employee interest surveys, current practice surveys, and organizational culture surveys. Settings: Workplace
    MHP Steps: Follow Up | Needs Analysis
  • Work Organisation & Stress: Systematic Problem Approaches for Employers, Managers and Trade Union Representatives
    This booklet provides practical advice on how to deal with work stress. It is intended that employers, managers and trade union representatives use this booklet as part of an initiative to educate on the management of work stress. Discussed are the nature of stress at work, the causes and effects of stress, as well as prevention strategies and risk assessment and management methods. Also discussed are the role of the organizational culture in this process and the resources to be drawn upon for managing work stress. Settings: Workplace
    MHP Steps: Preparation
  • Health for Life Project, Harry Lawson Court - Pilot
    The aim of the Harry Lawson project is to evaluate, develop and sustain a health promotion framework, which assists older people to improve their independence, health and wellbeing. The project builds on the evidence that Sheltered Housing Schemes and Extra Care housing supports the independence, health and wellbeing of older people, through providing services such Community Support Officers, on call systems, additional extra care provision, social involvement and communal facilities. Settings: Residence for Older People
    MHP Steps: Preparation
  • Research on Work-Related Stress
    The Report, commissioned by the European Agency for Safety and Health at Work, considers early and contemporary scientific studies on the nature of stress at work, on its effects on health and on the way in which such knowledge is being applied in attempts to manage this problem Settings: Workplace
    MHP Steps: Preparation
  • Assessing Quality of Life in Specialist Housing and Residential Care - A Workbook for Housing Providers
    The workbook is intended to be used by specialist housing and care providers. It contains the tested research instruments along with instructions on how to use them and get the most out of them. The measures contained in the workbook will help specialist housing and care providers to systematically assess how far a particular housing or residential setting contributes to the quality of life of people living there and to go on to improve matters based on clear evidence that follows a ‘joined-up’ approach. Settings: Residence for Older People
    MHP Steps: Follow Up | Implementation | Preparation | Needs Analysis
  • Social Care Online - Looking at Practice: An Open Learning Induction Programme for Support Care Staff in the Voluntary, Statutory and Private Sectors of Adult and Elder Care
    Teaching pack designed to ensure that each member of staff has an equal opportunity to work towards the National Occupational Care Standards, whether or not they are doing NVQs. Includes sections on: getting to know your workplace; the supportive environment; and developing your approach (including promoting anti-discriminatory practice, confidentiality, rights and choices, and effective communications). Settings: Residence for Older People
    MHP Steps: Implementation
  • European Methodology for Workplace Health Promotion
    The methodology describes a 7-phase model to implement workplace health promotion. 1. Getting started 2. Marketing 3. Needs analysis 4. Planning 5. Implementation 6. Evaluation 7. Consolidation Each phase is described in terms of a set of activities, priorities, typical problems and their resolution and a set of tools to support these activities. The methodology can be used by anyone who wants to implement any form of WHP including mental health promotion. The tool was developed in the mid-1990s. The most recent version has been developed by NIGZ Division Work & Health. No formal evaluation of the tool has been carried out as yet, though feedback from users indicates that the tool has been found to be extremely useful. The methodology tool is available in English, Dutch and Spanish. In Ireland the tool has been used on more than 10 occasions, though many more copies of the tool are in circulation. The tool has also been used in Spain and widely in the Netherlands. Settings: Workplace
    MHP Steps: Follow Up | Implementation | Preparation | Needs Analysis
  • Work Positive Questionnaire
    Work Positive is a comprehensive risk management process that incorporates a risk assessment covering the major causal factors associated with workplace stress. It was originally developed by Health Scotland and the Health and Safety Authority (HSA, Ireland) to help organisations identify the potential causes of stress at work in line with requirements under the requirement to prevent accidents and illness at work under Irish health and safety legislation. Work Positive was launched in 2002 and a revised edition again in May 2005 and is the only state sponsored stress audit tool of its kind available across Great Britain and the Republic of Ireland. It reflects the HSA‘s prevention approach and emphasis on the risk assessment process and HSENI‘s development of Management Standards, against which organisations can measure their performance in managing the main causal factors for workplace stress and put in place procedures and system changes as required, to improve organisational culture to promote well-being. The package consists of an audit tool for stress at work (questionnaire) and a set of instructions on how to develop a comprehensive approach to workplace stress. Settings: Workplace
    MHP Steps: Implementation
  • A Mentally Healthy Workforce – It’s Good for Business
    The Partnership provides some insight into the question of how a mentally unhealthy workplace can be changed to a healthy one. After giving background information on mental illnesses and cost effectiveness of treatments for companies a three step approach is suggested: 1. Evaluation of your current programs, 2. Construction of your program, 3. Strenghtening of your program. Settings: Workplace
    MHP Steps: Preparation

Results 311 to 320 out of 451.