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Results 361 to 370 out of 451.

  • Feeling Good. Promoting Children's Mental Health
    This tool consists of several activity sheets parents can use together with their children in order to find out how they feel about themselves, school, friends, siblings etc. Setting: Bildung/Erziehung
    MHP Steps: Durchführung/ Intervention
  • Pathways to Policy. A Toolkit for Grassroots Involvement in Mental Health Policy
    This programme (2002-2005) aimed at including people with mental distress in policy making. It gave people with mental health problems a voice by actively involving them in decision making processes, forums etc. The tool includes useful sheets for policy workshops and forums incl. evaluation sheets. The toolkit could be applied to all 3 settings. It is not education specific! Setting: Bildung/Erziehung
    MHP Steps: Follow-Up/ Evaluation | Durchführung/ Intervention | Bedarfsanalyse/ Planung
  • “Living Fuller Lives” Dementia and Mental Health Issues of Older Peope Expert Working Committee Draft Report for Consultation
    The Bamford Review of Mental Health and Learning Disability (N Ireland) consists of a number of interlinked reviews under one overarching title, and encompasses policy, services and legislation.This further report deals with Dementia and the mental health issues of older people, and is the last of the “service provision” reports which we will produce.The Review is itself a demonstration of how a learning organisation can work in that all parties have learned from each other. Setting: Ältere Menschen in ihrem Lebensumfeld
    MHP Steps: Vorbereitung
  • Quick Training Aids. Behavior Problems at School
    A multitude of factsheets and toolkits for improving behavioral problems of students with behavioral disorders. Tools address different themes: anger, bullying, prevention, safety etc. Setting: Bildung/Erziehung
    MHP Steps: Vorbereitung
  • The Participation of Adult Service Users (Including Older People) in Developing Social Care
    This guide focuses on how practitioners and managers can initiate and sustain the participation of adult service users, including older people, in ways that empower service users and reflect a shared commitment to developing social care services in a more democratic way. Setting: Ältere Menschen in ihrem Lebensumfeld
    MHP Steps: Follow-Up/ Evaluation | Durchführung/ Intervention | Bedarfsanalyse/ Planung
  • Patient Health Questionnaire (PHQ-9) - Short Form
    This is a screener questionnaire to classify older people in terms of depression and depressive disorders (no - mild- moderate/major - severe depressive disorder). This is the short form of the instrument. Setting: Ältere Menschen in ihrem Lebensumfeld
    MHP Steps: Durchführung/ Intervention
  • Outcomes-Focused Services for Older People
    This is a knowledge review that includes (i) research evidence on the outcomes valued by older people and the factors that facilitate and inhibit achieving these outcomes and (ii) a postal survey of localities and social services managers for the development of oucomes approaches for older people's services and case studies Setting: Ältere Menschen in ihrem Lebensumfeld
    MHP Steps: Bedarfsanalyse/ Planung
  • Risks and Protective Factors: Older People's Mental Health
    This learning object explores mental health in later life. It reviews the meaning of mental health, why it is an important part of overall well being and how it relates to successful ageing. It also offers an overview of the different aspects of an older person's life and situation that impact on their mental health and the role that an individual and their family, the community they live in and wider society can play in promoting, or undermining, mental health. Setting: Ältere Menschen in ihrem Lebensumfeld
    MHP Steps: Vorbereitung | Bedarfsanalyse/ Planung
  • Evidence-Based Healthy Aging Programming: Tools & Checklists
    An evaluation tool with checklists for communities and institutions which carry out health promoting programmes for older people. Special focus on falls prevention. Setting: Ältere Menschen in ihrem Lebensumfeld
    MHP Steps: Follow-Up/ Evaluation | Bedarfsanalyse/ Planung
  • Common Mental Health Problems Amongst Older People
    This learning object introduces you to some of the key facts and statistics about depression, dementia and long standing mental ill health. It explains who might be at risk of developing a mental illness as they grow older and why. It also includes information about people who have experienced serious mental illness such as schizophrenia throughout their lives and the main issues facing them as they age. Setting: Ältere Menschen in ihrem Lebensumfeld
    MHP Steps: Vorbereitung

Results 361 to 370 out of 451.